Legal Disclosure

PPS Automation GmbH
Kurze Umbrüche 1
D- 72221 Haiterbach

Executive with sole signatory authority:

Rolf Bühl


Telephone +49 (0) 7456 / 69096 - 0
Telefax +49 (0) 7456 / 69096 - 60

VAT number:

Sales tax identification number according to §27 a sales tax law:
DE 242495415

Register entry:

Entry in Handelsregister
Register Number: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Register Court: HRB 341072

Seat: Haiterbach
certified by DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Responsible party as defined by § 18 MStV:

Rolf Bühl, Kurze Umbrüche 1, 72221 Haiterbach

Concept, Design & Programming

ideenhunger media GmbH,